
Exposition, Archives 2016-2020

Cécile Cuny, Nathalie Mohadjer, Hortense Soichet

On n'est pas des robots : ouvrières et ouvriers de la logistique

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The term logistics describes the activity of organising the storage and transport of raw materials, industrial components and manufactured goods from their place of production to the customer.



The image we have of just-in-time logistics and the possibility of managing the entire process digitally gives the impression of a continuous, self-regulating flow of goods, however the warehouse is an obligatory stopping point in a system that controls, stocks, degroups, prepares and then dispatches goods towards their final destination. The various activities are carried out by sorters, fork-lift truck drivers, receivers and dispatchers and other warehouse workers, including pickers and packers.

These professions represent 13 % of blue-collar jobs in France and 17 % in Germany and are mainly located in logistics parks on the outskirts of large agglomerations.

These new places of blue-collar work and the kind of social worlds that develop around them are precisely the subject of the investigation presented in this exhibition.

Dossier de presse