
Exposition, Archives 2021 - ...., Maison de la Photographie Robert Doisneau

Soham Gupta


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Born in 1988, Soham Gupta lives and works in Calcutta.

His photographic and literary work openly addresses issues such as loneliness, isolation and abandonment, abuse and pain, scarred pasts and uncertain futures, sexual tension and existential dilemmas.   

Angst highlights the vulnerability of certain “inhabitants” —wandering souls— of Calcutta. The nocturnal figures that he encounters in the streets (most of whom live on the margins of society, not only economically but also psychologically or physically) merge with his own imagination, with his own ghosts.

Far from simply documenting, this powerful work reveals the nuances of humanity and intimacy that come with the interactions between the author and the different personalities he meets and photographs.  


The presentation of this series is accompanied by an original soundtrack composed by Federico Rodriguez-Jimenez for this exhibition in collaboration with Soham Gupta.  

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