
Exposition, Archives 2021 - ...., Maison de la Photographie Robert Doisneau

Igor Mukhin

Générations, de l’URSS à la nouvelle Russie / 1985 - 2021

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At the beginning there was chaos. The chaos of a young generation living on the edge of a society whose ruling system was disintegrating day by day. At the start of the 1980s, Igor Mukhin was one such youth. He could also feel this wind of change blowing from the West like a breath of fresh air, like an all-encompassing trip that would inspire a whole generation of musicians and any number of authors and artists. Mukhin saw rock music, in its anarchistic, post-punk incarnation, descend upon Moscow and rapidly begin to chip away at the foundations of the establishment. He is part of the generation that would witness the fall of the Soviet system ten years later, a generation that has been at the heart of the upheavals and mutations of an entire society ever since.

Générations is an epic of 40 years: it is the story of a city and of a country, the story of a man, of his photographic


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